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Esbjerg Gymnasium

About EG

EG is an upper secondary school with talented and committed teachers. EG is also an attractive school, featuring new and modern facilities both for teaching and for the students' social activities. EG has a unique and appealing school environment, with a both comfortable and challenging setting, which gives our students the best possible opportunities to thrive and learn. Our combination of academic focus, attractive settings and a unique school environment makes EGso much more than just a school.

At present there are about 800 students at the school. This makes EG a large school, which comes with advantages in the shape of many possibilities for our students – a wide selection of subjects, educational options and specialty courses. However, it is important to us that the size of the school does not become too overwhelming, as the strong sense of community among the students (the 'EG spirit') and our close contact with the individual students are important to us and one of the main factors our students emphasise as being a particular EG trait.

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