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CAS Catalogue

For IB students at Esbjerg Gymnasium


The school will present a catalogue of CAS activities for the IB students. This catalogue contains a variety of CAS activities which all meet the aims of CAS. Nevertheless we encourage the IB students to bring forward their own ideas and arrange their own activities/projects, which meet their own interests, needs and curiosity.


  • Making the EG-movie: The students participate in the making of the annual EG-movie.

  • EG News/EG Newspaper: The students contribute to the making of the EG News or the EG Newspaper.

  • Voluntary arts: The students participate in the numerous kinds of art (drama, painting, music) activities arranged by the school.

  • The EG choir: The students participate in the EG choir.

  • Language and cultural events: The students arrange language and cultural events for other students from the school

  • Creative presentations: The students learn and try to make presentations in different and alternative ways

  • Dance Lab: The students organize a dance lab/dance group at Esbjerg Gymnasium in collaboration with a PE-teacher


  • EG Sport Events: The students help organize different kinds of sport activities for the other EG students.

  • The EG Ultimate Club: The students help in keeping The EG Ultimate Club going.

  • Voluntary sports: The students participate in the numerous kinds of sport activities arranged by the school.

  • Football referee: The students get the football referee education. Contact: Jeanette Siegumfeldt, Sydvestjysk fodbolddommerklub, Tel: +45 6086 8757,

  • Dance Lab: The students organize a dance lab/dance group at Esbjerg Gymnasium in collaboration with a PE-teacher

  • Yoga/mindfulness: The students organize yoga/mindfulness classes in collaboration with a PE-teacher


  • ​Mosaikken - Det Multietniske aktivitetshus: Stengårdvej 163, 6705 Esbjerg Ø, 76167035

  • Offer your help to Esbjerg International Community at:

  • Help with homework - Are you keen on making a difference for children who are struggling with their homework? Are you good at teaching others? Are you between 15 and 30 years old? Do you speak Danish? Then we need you in our homework café in Præstegårdsskolen Urban! Read more here

  • “Bridging the gap”: Arranging different kinds of activities that will help bridge the social gap between the school and the local multicultural community in Esbjerg Ø (especially Stengårdsvej). Mutual benefits – mutual insight. Contact: Anita Hede Lausen

  • Team Twin - Senior Style: Offers residents in nursing homes the opportunity to practice sport with you in a running chair. If you want to run or go for a walk with a resident in one of our running chairs, please contact Ellen Søndergaard

  • Arranging “Operation Dagsværk” The students contribute in arranging the national project “Operation Dagsværk” at Esbjerg Gymnasium

  • Operation Dagsværk As a part of the national project “Operation dagsværk” the students donate their salary for one day’s work to NGO-projects in the third world.

  • Projekt Frivillig - A national organization that organizes and provides voluntary work all across Denmark.

  • Project Valmuen: The students arrange different kinds of projects and activities for children in the nearby kindergarten “Valmuen”.

  • Project Study Buddy:The students take part in our ‘Study Buddy Project’, where students from Esbjerg Gymnasium help other students with their homework.

  • Project Hedelund – The students arrange different kinds of projects and activities for the elderly at the nearby nursery home “Hedelund”. Tel: +45 27241312

  • Presenting the school: The students work as ambassadors for the school in different ways.

  • Project “Sofie”: The students help multicultural pupils from middle year schools with their homework.

  • Integration in Esbjerg – Project “Tilflytter”: In collaboration with Pia Enemark from Esbjerg Kommune the students arrange different kinds of activities for foreigners, who recently moved to Esbjerg.

  • Humor against AIDS Every year the school needs two representatives among the students of the school that will help recruit volunteers for the Humor against AIDS campaign.

  • Cross Roads: Helping pupils from Ådalsskolen and Fourfeldt Skolen in different kinds of ways. The project is developed in collaboration with Esbjerg Kommune and Designskolen Kolding

  • Medborgerskab - Project ‘Citizenship’ focuses on integration in Esbjerg. Contact: Vicky Kim Andersen

  • Lær for livet Project ‘Lifelong Learning’ mentoring children in foster care 

  • Hvem hjælper hvem?  – Project ‘Who is helping whom?’ informs and organizes a wide variety of volunteer activities in our district

  • Sharing the information: Danish-speaking students make sure that school-related information is shared within the IB group

  • International day: Every year the school needs students, who can represent the school in our exhibition stand at Esbjerg’s International Fair.

  • Red Cross Esbjerg – :  Contact: Michael H. Jensen

  • Distortion – : Volunteering at Copenhagen Music Festival. Contact: Line Andree Keller, Tel: +45 28775600,

  • Rickshaw Esbjerg - : Contact: Joan Rieks. Tel: + 45 76164100,

  • ’IB event planners’: Event coordination for the IB group in collaboration with the CAS staff. 

  • Language Café at Kvaglund Kirke: Contact: Daniel Ettrup Larsen Tel. +45 29471909

  • 'Vindrosen': ”Vindrosen” is a network with more than 130 volunteer organizations, which provide services within these fields: Children & youth, disability, humanitary work, integration and ethnic minorities, medical conditions and healthpromotion, socially disadvantaged individuals etc. Contact details for the organizations can be found here

  • Dinner-club for vulnerable youths:​

  • After-school activity support for vulnerable children:​

  • Exercise with overweight children:

  • Become a 'Hyggespreder'. 'Hyggesprederne are a group of volunteers who visit nursery homes to spend time with senior citizens. Once a month, they have dinner, play bingo and spend time with the residents. To sign up or get more information contact Pernille Dybsø Pedersen +45 40 33 55 09,

  • 2timer’ (= 2hours) volunteering to help kids with their Danish (language & culture) To sign up contact Havvanur Demir tlf.: 9393 8788

CAS coordinator

Mette Ehrhorn (ME)

CAS Coordinator

CAS advisor

Amalie Boe (AB)

CAS Advisor

CAS advisor

Martin Andersen (MAN)

CAS Advisor

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